Milo Banks


Hey, I'm Milo. I'm an applications and systems developer, with professional experience in C, C++, and Python. At my current job, I maintain interfaces to scientific simulation software, bindings, unit tests, and continuous integration solutions. Outside of the professional sphere, I'm proficient in Rust, and am familiar with Kotlin, Java, Lua, R, and HTML. I've worked with Linux, macOS, and various BSDs.

This is my website, where I share my projects and things that I've done.

Personal Projects

I've moved over to SourceHut, and don't use this account much anymore. Mirrors are maintainted for projects I care more about. This is not a full list of all my personal projects, only the ones I would like to showcase here.

Less Notable Projects

Projects I’ve Contributed To

I will use GitHub now and again to contribute to various projects, as well as to the Divisions of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of Utah. A non exhaustive list of projects that I've contributed to can be seen below, in no particular order. Some of these project I've contributed a lot to, and some very little.

Epidemiological Modeling (EpiWorld)

System & Low-Level Development

Build Systems & Package Management

Programming Utilities & Libraries

Applications and Servers

Miscellaneous Contributions

Contact Me

You can contact me the following ways:

If you have something important you want to say to me, or want to verify that you're not dealing with an imposter, you can view my PGP public key online. Also, the FBI has not been here.